About me

I am an assistant professor in AI at the University of Amsterdam, with a joint position between the Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation, and the Informatics Institute. My work focuses on interpretable machine learning for applications in science and society. Previously, I was a researcher at Microsoft Research AI for Science and at the Partnership on AI. I have a PhD in explainable ML from the University of Amsterdam, supervised by Maarten de Rijke and Hinda Haned. My MSc and BSc are both in mathematics from McMaster University in Canada, both supervised by Miroslav Lovric.


  • [December 2024] I’m hiring! We have a PhD position available at the UvA on mechanistic interpretability.
  • [November 2024] I’ve return to the University of Amsterdam as an assistant professor! Looking forward to seeing old faces and meeting new ones.
  • [May 2024] Our paper about Aurora: a foundation model for the Earth system is out on arXiv.
  • [May 2024] Our paper on Clifford-Steerable CNNs has been accepted to ICML 2024.
  • [October 2022] I’ve started at Microsoft Research Amsterdam as a researcher on the AI for science team.
  • [September 2022] I’ve successfully defended my PhD, entitled “Explaining predictions from machine learning models: algorithms, users, and pedagogy”. You can read the thesis here.